Handling the Early Stages of Fitness to Practice Cases in Branches webinar

28 September 2020 3:00pm–4:15pm

UNISON provides representation and advice at all stages of the fitness to practice investigatory process including at interim, substantive and review hearings, so it’s important branches know what they are required to do at the very early stages of a member’s referral to a professional body.

Our speakers will discuss what branches need to know so everything goes as smoothly as possible for our members.


  • Gail Adams, UNISON head of professional services
  • Cheryl Godber, UNISON Eastern activist education lead

Sign up

Further information about these webinars will follow. If you wish to participate please register your interest below.

Spaces are only available for UNISON members and staff in the Eastern region. Please contact your region’s education officer to find our what training is available where you are.