Health and safety live!

9 – 12 March 2021

A whole series of events, including workshops and interactive sessions, to make the most of health and safety.

What's on?

  • 9 March: Health & safety in the post-Covid world, including an opening address by UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea.
  • 10 March: Health & safety in the workplace during the Covid-19 pandemic, includes workshops.
  • 11 March: Homeworking during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond, includes workshops.
  • 12 March: Health and safety enforcement and the role of trade unions in safe workplace. Includes a presentation by TUC health and safety officer Shelly Asquith.

Sign me up!

Sessions will be carried out on Zoom and GoToWebinar. Full instructions will be sent to registrants.

You can sign up for as many sessions as you like, but it is members only and you have to register by Thursday 25 February.

To register please send your name, your membership number, your branch name and any reasonable adjustments you need to participate to by Thursday 25 February.