NHS pay – learning the lessons from Northern Ireland

NHS pay be counted

16 November 2021 5:00pm–6:00pm

As public service workers gear up for action on pay, UNISON Eastern is delighted to virtually welcome three colleagues from Northern Ireland to the region to discuss their successful NHS strikes in 2019.

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Back in 2019, NHS pay in Northern Ireland was languishing behind the rest of the UK – but UNISON members took action and won.

Today NHS workers in England are considering their next steps in a campaign for a decent pandemic pay rise. UNISON’s health members are in the midst of an indicative ballot over the government’s paltry 3% pay offer, in local government we’re fighting a 1.75% offer and elsewhere public service workers are trying to overturn a 0% imposition.

UNISON Eastern is delighted to welcome some of the leading lights of Northern Ireland’s struggle for fair pay to share ideas on taking successful industrial action.


  • James Large, UNISON Northern Ireland regional convenor
  • Conor McCarthy and Maura McKenna, UNISON Northern Ireland regional health committee joint chairs
  • Joyce Aldridge, UNISON Eastern regional health committee chair


To join the meeting over Zoom just sign up below and we’ll email you the link.