Advanced employment law: sexual orientation discrimination

7 February 2024 9:00am–1:00pm


This half-day course is part of an expanding set of nationally provided sessions on discrimination under the 2010 Equality Act. Intended for activists who have already completed an introductory employment law course, it looks at the protection against discrimination in relation to sexual orientation. It covers how to interview a member sensitively; what constitutes legal harassment […]

What is a union learning rep and why do we need more?

2 February 2024 12:30pm–1:30pm


Have you ever wondered what a union learning rep (ULR) does? Are you curious about how a learning rep could benefit your branch and your members? Join us for this webinar to explore the role of a union learning rep, the types of issues they deal with and practical tasks they are likely to undertake […]

A logo for UNISON in Fire and Rescue

Fire and rescue at the crossroads

5 December 2023 12:30pm–1:30pm

Online via Teams

Fire and rescue services are under extreme pressure, years of underfunding have stretched staffing and resources to their limit. The government’s white paper could be the start of putting things right but instead it’s throwing up new problems. UNISON Eastern is bringing together green book workers from across fire and rescue to discuss the problems […]

Police and Justice training day

21 November 2023 9:30am–4:00pm

Hybrid: online and at UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY

Activists from Eastern region Police and Justice are invited to this training day. It promises to be a fantastic chance to meet other activists and exchange ideas, while covering a variety of important topics. It will take place in London with full hybrid facilities to encourage maximum participation. Agenda 9.30am: Arrival, coffee, registration 10am: Start, […]

International seminar 2023

10 November 2023 10:00am–12:00pm

Online via Teams

The ever-popular UNISON Eastern international seminar returns for 2023. Join us online to find out more about some of UNISON’s international campaigning and what’s going on around the world. Speakers Cuba Solidarity Campaign, Justice for Colombia, War on Want and Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Sign up! Please fill in the form below to receive the sign-up […]

What is a union learning rep and why do we need more?

21 June 2023 12:30pm–1:30pm


Have you ever wondered what a union learning rep (ULR) does? Are you curious about how a learning rep could benefit your branch and your members? Join us for this webinar to explore the role of a union learning rep, the types of issues they deal with and practical tasks they are likely to undertake […]

Introduction to employment tribunal deadlines and limitations

10 May 2023 1:30pm–3:30pm


In this short webinar we will cover the time limitations involved in different types of employment cases including discrimination claims. We will look at the ACAS early conciliation process and time limits for an employment tribunal claim following early conciliation. We will also look at interim relief cases as this covers the time limits for […]

Introduction to workplace pensions

29 March 2023 10:30am–12:30pm


Join this webinar with UNISON head of pensions Glyn Jenkins to gain an understanding of some of the basic terms and arrangements involved with workplace pensions such as the local government and NHS pension schemes. Can I get time off to learn? Yes, if you are in a recognised workplace the Trade Union and Labour […]

Beginner’s guide to equal pay

27 March 2023 1:30pm–3:30pm


Have you heard the term equal pay used and wondered what it actually means? Wonder no more, this is the webinar for you. Tell me more! More than 50 years since Labour brought in the 1970 Equal Pay Act, employers still think they can get away with paying women less. In fact, women effectively work […]

What is a union learning rep and why do we need more?

16 March 2023 1:30pm–3:30pm


Have you ever wondered what a union learning rep (ULR) does? Are you curious about how a learning rep could benefit your branch and your members? Join us for this webinar to explore the role of a union learning rep, the types of issues they deal with and practical tasks they are likely to undertake […]

Regional schools forum

14 October 2022

The regional schools forum meets approximately three times a year for reps from schools from across the Eastern region to network, share good practice, discuss the latest school guidance and meet their branch school workers. There is often guest speakers who speak about issues affecting members working in schools. This is a really enjoyable meeting […]

Retired members seminar

27 September 2022

UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Rd, London NW1 2AY

Our retired members’ group works closely with other member groups on almost every issue that affects workers in the UK, as well as fighting for quality public services, on which many older people rely. Every year the Eastern group holds a seminar covering a range of topics that should be of interest to retired members […]

Regional schools forum

7 July 2022

The regional schools forum meets approximately three times a year for reps from schools from across the Eastern region to network, share good practice, discuss the latest school guidance and meet their branch school workers. There is often guest speakers who speak about issues affecting members working in schools. This is a really enjoyable meeting […]

Social care working group

26 May 2022 5:00pm–6:00pm

Social care is in crisis – for staff and those relying on it. But if care workers get together we can transform the sector. Join our working group to discuss ways we can improve pay and conditions in the Eastern region. At this meeting we are going to focus on the current cost of living […]

Young members committee

2 March 2022 5:00pm–6:00pm

All UNISON members under 27 years of age are entitled to participate as young members. The UNISON Eastern young members’ group works to: Encourage recruitment, organisation and participation of young workers, Provide a powerful voice for young members, Give young members the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to participate in the union. […]