Race discrimination grievances at the Activist Summer School

12 – 13 August 2024

UNISON Eastern, Higdon House, Kempson Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7AR

Most workers facing race discrimination in their job simply want it to stop. One mechanism to tackle this can be bringing a grievance or collective grievance.

This two-day UNISON course will help you get to grip with taking on racism through grievances.

Check out the full programme for the Activist Summer School.

What will the course cover?

  • Introduction to race discrimination grievances;
  • Knowing your grievance procedure;
  • Introduction to race discrimination law;
  • Race discrimination case studies;
  • Pros and cons of bringing a race discrimination grievance;
  • Writing opening speeches;
  • Preparing for cross-examination;
  • Handling a one-to-one grievance meeting;
  • Outcome letters;
  • After the grievance;
  • Employment tribunals.

Can I get time off to learn?

Yes, if you are in a recognised workplace the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 and the 1997 Safety Representative and Safety Committee Regulations give you the right to time off with pay to attend trade union courses. You just have to give your employer reasonable notice.

Guidance towards establishing what constitutes reasonable time off can be found in the ACAS Code of Practice.

How much is the course?

There is a charge of £100. Your branch will fund this cost and they will be invoiced once you have completed the course.

Please note there may be a charge for no-shows or cancellations giving less than 48 hours notice.

Sign me up!

Please register below. Once you’ve signed up and your branch has confirmed you need the training, we’ll get in touch to confirm your place.

If you have any questions please contact us here.

  • If you’re not sure what branch you’re in, please check UNISON’s branch finder.