Save the NHS Bursary – lobby of parliament

25 May 2016 1:00am–1:00am

Houses of Parliament, Westminster, London SW1A 0AA

UNISON along with the NUS and other trade unions will be lobbying the government to drop its plans to remove the bursary for healthcare students in 2017.

The government plans to force healthcare students into debt of up to £50,000 by making them pay the entire bill for their training, even though they spend 50% of their training time working for the NHS on clinical placements.

Let’s make the government understand that without the bursary many people will not be able to train for a career in the NHS.

Visit the UNISON national website for more information on our campaign to save the NHS bursary.

Find out how a lobby of parliament works NHS bursaries Westminster lobby (2)

For more information on the lobby and to book your free transport:

Download the “more information” request form

23813NHS_Bursary_postcard_2nd (2)

or email Tracey Lambert:

If you are not a UNISON member you can join on the day and get free travel or alternatively you can pay £10. Student membership costs just £10 per year. Priority will be given to UNISON members.