UNISON Bedfordshire Resource Centre officially opened its doors today.
Four UNISON branches – Bedfordshire Health, Luton and Dunstable Hospital, Central Bedfordshire Local Government and Bedfordshire Police – have pooled their resources in a unique venture to make sure members are best represented and supported.
Local MP Mohammad Yasin joined UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis to cut the ribbon at 24 Harpur Street.
Earlier in the day, Mr Prentis visited Bedford Hospital where he spent time talking to local branch activists and visiting the hospital wards to meet UNISON members.
The Bedfordshire Resource Centre has specially trained admin staff on hand to give initial support and guidance to UNISON members, while a highly experienced case worker will be on site for when members need representation.
The branches in Bedfordshire have worked together with regional and national staff to deliver this and to make sure that all UNISON members, but especially those that are employed by private-sector companies, get the help and advice they need at work
The resource centre, located at 24 Harpur Street, Bedford MK40 1LB, is open six days a week, from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday and from 9.30am to 12.30pm on Saturdays.