Major setbacks for the government on the Trade Union Bill

The Trade Union Bill is now in its report stage in the Lords. We need to keep the pressure on before it returns to the Commons.

UNISON members have made a huge difference already – speaking to employers, councillors, MPs, peers and government ministers to tell their stories, making compelling arguments and keeping up the pressure on the government.

Members and branches were also key in getting employers across England, Scotland and Wales to speak up against the government’s plans. They added their voices to that of the Welsh and Scottish governments who have challenged the constitutionality of the Trade Union Bill.

Defeats in the House of Lords
On the first day of the Bill’s Report Stage in the Lords on 16 March, the government suffered three key defeats:

The Lords voted by a majority of 139 to require the Secretary of State to commission an independent review on electronic balloting for strike action, and to present a strategy for introducing electronic balloting to Parliament.

Political funds
By a majority of 148, the Lords voted for an amendment restricting the new political fund ‘opt in’ to new members, extending the transition period from three to 12 months, removing the need to renew opt-ins every five years and allowing unions to use other methods of opting in beyond postal.

Facility time
By a majority of 88, the Lords voted to remove the reserve power given to the government to cap trade union facility time in the public sector.

Check off and the Certification Officer
The House of Lords will consider the clauses on Check Off and the Certification Officer on the second day of the report stage on 19 April.

We must work as hard as possible to ensure that the Lords vote to amend the government’s destructive plans yet again – and that these amendments are not overturned during the final House of Commons stage of the Bill.

Could you email your MP and ask for their support on the Trade Union Bill? Click here to find out more.

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