UNISON Eastern region’s education and training committee is asking that branches without branch education co-ordinators currently in post look to actively elect into this position at their 2019 AGM.
Laura Wilkes, one of our branch education co-ordinators from Suffolk Area Health Branch, enjoys contributing to the vital role.
“As a branch education co-ordinator I play an important role in helping reps and members to develop professionally and personally,” she says.
“The role is very varied, from keeping reps informed about regional and national courses, helping them to apply for training, being an informal mentor, helping them to fill out their Trained and Active forms to see what future learning they will need/want, and ensuring their training records are kept up to date.
“Working with UNISON partners such as the Workers Educational Association means we are accessing learning for our members in the branch too, such as IT and functional skills.
“It’s a great way to get to know and support your branch and to instil in reps and our members a love of lifelong learning.”
There will be training available to support newly elected education co-ordinators at next year’s ONE UNISON Weekend event on 18-19 May. Not only will they get to learn more about what the role entails, but they will also be able to network with other branch education activists.
Please do all you can to get an education co-ordinator elected at next year’s AGM, as they really are an invaluable branch resource.
This flier explaining the role of the branch education co-ordinator should help you find someone for the post. It could be used at local workplace or branch events seeking to recruit new reps and activists. A small hard copy stock of these fliers will be sent to every branch in the next few weeks.
If you have any queries about this then please don’t hesitate to contact regional activist education lead Cheryl Godber or regional learning and development organiser Emily Sole.