All the latest on the issues facing the NHS in the region
The current edition of Eastern Eye is now being distributed to workplaces across the region. It includes stories on:
- Underfunding – not overspending – of NHS trusts
- Pressures being put on HCA’s to plug the gaps in care because of the nursing shortage
- Opposition to the scrapping of student bursaries
- Falsehood of NHS efficiency savings
- Attack on sick leave by Luton and Dunstable NHS Trust
- Problems with Sustainability and Transfomation Plans (STP’s)
- Peterborough and Hinchingbrooke hospitals merger
- Closure of minor injuries units
- East and North Herts NHS Trust’s attempts to remove staff from the NHS Pension scheme
If you haven’t seen a copy in your workplace ask your branch secretary for one.
Alternatively you can take a look at our web friendly version: Eastern Eye 2016 final web
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