12 – 14 November 2021
Five Lakes Resort, Colchester Road, Essex CM9 8HX
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This weekend is open to any Black Member in the Eastern region who is involved in their branch or the Self Organised Group – or thinking about getting more active.
What's on
There will be a range of workshops during the weekend including:
- Tim Roberts, UNISON Eastern regional secretary,
- Thompson Solicitors, race discrimination workshop,
- Developing future leaders in UNISON,
- Developing your confidence and strategies for progression,
- Anti-racism, organising Black workers in the workplace,
- Impact of long Covid – resources for Black members.
The Eastern region Black members self-organised group annual general meeting 2021 will be held during the weekend.
Sign me up!
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If you’re interested in becoming more involved with UNISON Eastern’s Black workers group, please contact Winston Dorsett.