An aerial view of devastation caused by the floods.

Pakistan floods highlight the need for Green UNISON week

Around 1,500 people have been killed and more than 30 million displaced in Pakistan after heavy rainfall and flooding submerged around a third of the country. But this is not a far-off tragedy in another corner of the planet, it’s one made in Britain and the rest of the developed world over the last two […]

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UNISON and Suffolk County Council sign the charter

Suffolk County Council makes pledge against racism

Suffolk County Council has become the latest employer to sign UNISON’s Anti-Racism Charter. The charter commits the council and its senior management to a range of pledges designed to prevent racial bias, including championing a racially diverse workforce, having a clear programme of anti-racist initiatives and providing training for employees. The council is already undertaking […]

A protest calling for better wages for care workers

Suffolk County Council must use care underspend to support staff

Suffolk County Council must use it’s multimillion-pound adult social care underspend to support the sector’s struggling staff, UNISON says today. The council’s latest budget forecast shows it’s spent £6.7 million less than budgeted on social care in the first quarter of the 2022-23 financial year, while homecare waiting lists have risen from an average of […]

Public and refuse workers in Harlow at risk from poor safety standards, warns UNISON

Refuse workers and the public in Harlow are being put at risk by a slew of safety failures at Veolia’s Mead Park depot, UNISON warns today. Union health and safety reps uncovered a litany of breaches during an inspection this morning (Thursday morning), including faulty emergency stops on at least two vehicles. The essential safety […]

Refuse workers hold signs reading: 'Fair pay now'

Poverty pay sparks fear of bin strikes in east Suffolk

Bins could go uncollected across east Suffolk unless council chiefs put an end to poverty pay, warns UNISON today. Refuse staff working for East Suffolk Norse are threatening to go on strike if bosses do not deliver a swift pay rise. They have already voted overwhelmingly for action in a consultative ballot. Staff will now […]

Councillors and UNISON activists pose for the charter signing

Norwich City Council signs Anti-Racism Charter

Norwich City Council has become the latest employer to sign up to UNISON’s Anti-Racism Charter. The charter commits employers to a raft of policies designed to challenge racism in the workplace, improving life for staff and therefore the services they provide to the public. It includes championing a racially diverse workforce, having a clear programme […]

People hold placards protesting against parking charges at Broomfield Hospital

Essex hospital staff celebrate parking victory

Hospital workers in Essex are celebrating after health bosses promised to keep staff parking free for several more months. Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust had wanted to reintroduce staff parking charges — suspended during the pandemic — from 1 August but has now told UNISON it will put the brakes on its plans […]

University workers reject below-inflation pay offer and vote on strike action

University workers including administrators, cleaners, security and catering staff are voting on whether to strike over pay, says UNISON today. Staff from the University of Bedfordshire, University of the Arts Norwich and University of East Anglia are balloting after overwhelmingly rejecting a 3% pay offer from the University and Colleges Employers Association in May. Nationally, […]

The front of West Suffolk Hospital

West Suffolk Hospital’s plan to cut staff benefits is ‘kicking NHS workers while they’re down’

Cutting staff benefits at West Suffolk Hospital is “kicking health workers while they’re down,” UNISON says today. The West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust board voted today on a package of cuts to staff conditions, including reintroducing parking charges from March. It comes just days after the government announced a real-terms pay cut for more than […]

Newly qualified paramedics enjoy UNISON-won pay boost

Many newly qualified paramedics in the East of England are beginning to see an increase in their pay this month after fighting together in UNISON for better banding. UNISON supported staff to put a collective grievance in against the trust over the NQP role. When the role was introduced in 2016, it was agreed that […]

Veolia workers outside the Mead Park depot

Harlow refuse workers call off strikes after improved pay offer

Harlow’s refuse workers have called off summer strike action after employer Veolia improved its pay offer and committed to a new collective agreement. An overwhelming 97% of workers backed walkouts after enduring years of below-inflation deals, including 0% in 2021 and 0.4% in 2020, leaving loaders barely above the legal minimum wage. Workers rejected Veolia’s […]

Mid and South Essex hospitals hit staff with parking charge pay cut

Thousands of Essex health staff face an effective pay cut as hospitals bosses plan to reintroduce parking charges, UNISON warns today. Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust (MSEFT), which runs Broomfield, Basildon and Southend hospitals, has told UNISON officials it wants to reintroduce staff parking charges from 1 August. Charges were scrapped during the […]

Local government workers tell bosses: ‘We’ve never been so hard up’

Local government workers “have never been so hard up” and it’s hitting the quality of services, council staff told bosses this morning at meeting of local government employers. Council and school staff were speaking at a meeting of the East of England Local Government Association to make the case for a pay boost of £2,000 […]

Harlow refuse workers vote for strike action

Veolia must now come to the negotiating table with an improved