Search Jobs, News and Blogs, Events tagged schools

UNISON leader visits Ipswich as local government workers vote on strikes

UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea is to visit Ipswich later this week as council and school support staff vote on whether to strike over pay. Christina McAnea will speak at a rally on Friday outside Suffolk County Council headquarters Endeavour House as local government workers call for a pay rise of 2% above inflation. Staff […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

More cleaners needed to make East of England’s schools safe for return of pupils and staff

Some cleaners in schools in eastern England are still having to work without protective kit and not given the ‘deep-clean’ training needed to keep people safe, says a survey published today by UNISON. The union is calling on the government to provide schools with money to hire extra cleaners. Figures released by UNISON show that more than a quarter (26%) of […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Regional schools forum

1 March 2022 11:00pm–11:00pm

The regional schools forum meets approximately three times a year for reps from schools from across the Eastern region to network, share good practice, discuss the latest school guidance and meet their branch school workers. There is often guest speakers who speak about issues affecting members working in schools. This is a really enjoyable meeting […]

Event on the UNISON Eastern site.

School support staff warn ‘big bang’ return to school is a safety risk

Nearly three in four school support staff in the East of England have been anxious about the return to classrooms this week, with many fearing measures to keep them safe are inadequate, according to a survey published today by UNISON. The findings provide a snapshot of the concerns of staff as schools in England reopen […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

Regional Schools Committee

3 March 2017 11:00am–1:00pm
Regional Office, Church Lane House, Church Lane, Chelmsford CM1 1NH

Event on the UNISON Eastern site.

Make schools safe!

UNISON is advising its members in primary schools, special schools, SEND and early years settings in England that it is unsafe to return to the workplace if it is fully open to all pupils. Please see the advice page on our national website for the latest information. Schools advice This includes a model letter to send […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Closure of Ashgate Nursery School a foregone conclusion

Plans by Derby City Council to close Ashgate Nursery School could be one step closer to becoming a reality this Wednesday, as councillors get their say. An overwhelming number of residents and families voiced their opposition to the council’s proposals during the 7-week consultation period. Over 91% of respondents strongly opposed Ashgate’s planned closure in […]

Article, News on the UNISON East Midlands site.

UNISON’s Campaign for Safety Reps in Schools Gets off to Flying Start

UNISON’s campaign for union safety representatives in schools has got off to a great start.  School support staff members and local UNISON contacts have begun actively finding out about the union safety rep role.  Within a couple of hours of the launch a teaching assistant in Nottingham, had come forward as a safety rep. Louisa Wass-Griffiths, UNISON […]

Article, News on the UNISON East Midlands site.

Joint union letters issued to all headteachers, MAT CEOs and Local Authorities

UNISON, NEU, GMB and Unite have sent joint letters centrally to all headteachers, MAT CEOs and Local Authorities in England. The purpose of the letters is to show understanding for the predicament they have been put in by the government and to urge them to work with us to only increase pupil numbers when it […]

Article, News on the UNISON East Midlands site.

WULF: the first nine months

WULF? The Wales Union Learning Fund project. It’s been part of UNISON Cymru/Wales for nine months now, and great things are happening. Project workers Jenny Griffin and Richard Speight explain: We’re continuing to put on courses all over Wales for those working in schools, health or social care. Our current Social Care Programme has seen […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Mass testing in schools – UNISON statement

UNISON believes this is hugely ambitious and that announcing this on the last day of term is jaw-dropping and gives schools very little time to plan.  We think that most schools will not be able […]

Uncategorized on the UNISON Greater London site.

UNISON urges government to make schools safe now

‘We now have the absurd situation of government departments ringing schools days before term begins, telling them to prepare for potential building closures’

News on the UNISON Greater London site.

From school star to star MP

Fledgling MP Rosie Duffield has a very personal reason for supporting UNISON’s Stars in our Schools celebrations

Magazine, UNISON people on the Magazine site.

Celebrating Stars in Our School

Stars in our Schools is all about the fantastic work the support staff does every day and make sure the […]

Blogs on the UNISON Northern site.

Durham Teaching Assistants Rally!

Dave Prentis, General Secretary of UNISON, has given a personal commitment to UNISON members to […]

Article, News on the UNISON Northern site.