Following on from last year’s success the TUC and UNISON have decided to make ♥ unions an annual event.

Once again it’s an opportunity to remind ourselves of the great things we do, and more importantly let potential members and the public at large know too.

By organing a branch event and using the resources provided you can help get the message out there: We’re stronger when we act in UNISON.

For ideas on how you can get involved download the Heart UNISON 2017 Guide.

There are lots of materials you can either download or order from the on-line catalogue and the campaign page on the national website.

Don’t forget to take a look at the TUC’s page too.

If you’re planning on holding an event don’t forget to let us know beforehand. Email us the details and we’ll help publicise it here on the website and on our social media accounts.

website address


Whatever happened to the STPs?

UNISON update on Sustainability and Transformation Plans and Partnerships in the east of England This report by John Lister was commissioned by UNISON to give members and representatives a realistic analysis of the situation in each STP area and to be able to offer a positive but informed response to genuine proposals for partnership and collaboration […]

Activists Summer School 13 – 17 August 2018

                This year’s summer school will be held at the Cambridge Professional Development Centre and with 13 courses to chose from there’s something for everyone. You can pick and mix from the courses being run during the week as some last one, two or three days. And you […]

Message from the regional secretary Chris Jenkinson

I was recently appointed as regional secretary for UNISON Eastern following the retirement of my predecessor Glyn Hawker. Glyn did a great job in her time as regional secretary and she’s handed over a region in great shape. I look forward to working alongside branches and activists, helping to organise and support our members in […]

General Secretary election – A statement by the Regional Convenor Team

The Eastern Region are pleased to announce that it has nominated Dave Prentis for re-election as General Secretary. The region backed Dave based on his impressive record of standing up for all of our members across the entire union.

UNISON in schools – what we do and how to get involved

UNISON is the largest union for school support staff and local UNISON branches have been very busy this year, working hard to support members on a wide range of issues in the hundreds of schools, most of which are no longer local authority controlled.  UNISON has been supporting members involved in TUPE transfers, reorganisations as […]