Environment Agency pickets at the Colne barrier in Essex

Environment agency workers to walk out for four more days

Thousands of Environment Agency workers in England are to strike for four days over pay later this month, blaming government inaction for putting communities, waters and wildlife at risk, says UNISON today. Despite months of strikes and other action where workers have taken themselves off ‘on call’ incident response rotas, ministers have made no attempt […]

Raise wages to prevent Bedfordshire university strikes, UNISON tells UCEA

Support staff at the University of Bedforshire are to be balloted from today for industrial action over the “inadequate” pay offer from the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA), says UNISON. Over the next five weeks, higher education workers including cleaners, IT technicians and library staff are to vote on whether to strike after the […]

A group of pickets illicit support from passing motorists

More bin strikes announced in Breckland and North Norfolk

Refuse and cleansing workers in Breckland and North Norfolk have announced another week of strikes for fair pay, says UNISON today. Staff working for contractor Serco will strike from 11 to 14 April. They previously walked out from 13 to 17 March after the company failed to come up with a decent pay offer during […]

People pose with placards opposing job cuts outside Pot Kiln

Sudbury school staff vote to strike against job losses

Redundancy-threatened Suffolk school staff have voted to strike to save their jobs, UNISON reveals today. The teaching assistants and midday supervisors at Pot Kiln Primary School in Sudbury voted 90% in favour of strikes. Pot Kiln wants to cut classroom assistant and midday supervisor numbers after running up a £75,000 deficit. School bosses say student […]

University of East Anglia punishes low paid by scrapping real living wage commitment

The University of East Anglia (UEA) has scrapped its commitment to the real living wage for its lowest-paid employees, UNISON reveals today. University bosses told around 300 cleaners, nursery staff and other workers on the lowest salaries today that they will not receive an expected pay increase next month. The real living wage is independently […]

NHS strikes paused after new pay offer

Planned East of England strikes for 20 March have been put on pause after the government made a new offer in the long-running dispute over NHS pay. After two weeks of frantic negotiations, ministers have offered an additional one-off lump sum for 2022/23 that rises in value up the NHS pay bands. This is worth […]

University of East Anglia still has serious questions to answer over financial mess

University of East Anglia (UEA) bosses seem unable to answer the most simple questions about how they got sucked into a financial black hole, UNISON warns today. The union, which represents hundreds of cleaners, librarians, security guards and other professional services staff at the university, said UEA leaders appear to have no plan for getting […]

Refuse workers urge Breckland and North Norfolk councils to help prevent strikes

Serco Norfolk refuse and cleansing workers are urging council leaders to intervene to stop next week’s strikes, UNISON says today. The union says 100 refuse, grounds maintenance, street cleaning and cleansing workers in Breckland and North Norfolk are ready to walk out unless they get a better offer on pay. The workers voted 99% for […]

UNISON to suspend strike to enter NHS pay talks with government

The strike planned for next Wednesday involving thousands of East of England Ambulance Service staff and other NHS workers has been suspended to allow UNISON to enter pay talks with the government, the union said today. Following a meeting of its health committee this afternoon, UNISON announced it was suspending the action scheduled for 8 […]

Serco workers outside their depot

Breckland and North Norfolk refuse workers plan week-long walkout

A week of strikes will hit Breckland and North Norfolk bin collections and street cleaning unless workers get the pay they deserve, UNISON warns today. One hundred refuse, grounds maintenance, street cleaning and cleansing staff working for Serco across the two councils will down tools for a week from 13 March, says the union. Earlier […]

UNISON members stand around a brazier on the picket line

East of England ambulance workers announce first strike over pay

East of England ambulance staff will strike next month in their first day of action in the spiralling dispute over NHS pay, says UNISON Eastern today. The union says the strike on Wednesday 8 March is a serious escalation of the dispute and a direct result of the government’s failure to hold proper pay talks […]

Two ambulance workers hold signs urging people to vote in the reballot

East of England joins ambulance strikes

The growing NHS dispute over pay and staffing will now cover ambulance staff across the East of England England for the first time, says UNISON today. Announcing its re-ballot results of thousands more health workers, UNISON says staff at another four English ambulance services and five NHS organisations, including NHS Blood and Transplant, will now […]

Norfolk refuse workers vote to strike

Refuse and cleansing workers across Breckland and North Norfolk have overwhelmingly voted to strike over pay, UNISON reveals today. In an official ballot, 99% backed strikes on an 84% turnout. They also returned a 97% vote for action short of a strike on the Serco contract at the two councils. The ballot covered around 100 […]

Suffolk primary school plans to sack half its teaching assistants

Nearly half of teaching assistants at Pot Kiln Primary School in Suffolk face the sack, UNISON reveals today. The Sudbury school plans to lay off up to 15 of its 36 classroom assistants and midday supervisors, blaming an “unforeseen” budget shortfall of £75,000 and flagging student numbers. Pot Kiln claims it has more teaching assistants […]

Delegates to UNISON Higher Education conference hold placards reading 'No cuts at UEA'

UNISON Higher Education conference stands behind cuts-threatened UEA staff

Higher Education workers from across the UK showed solidarity with staff at Norwich’s University of East Anglia today. They took time out from UNISON’s Higher Education conference to send a clear message to UEA bosses to stop cuts which could lop up to 20% off budgets. The university has been scant on the details of […]