Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations (TUPE) webinar

26 October 2020 10:30am–12:30pm

Join us to find out more about the TUPE regulations and how they protect employees transferring from one employer to another. They apply when jobs are outsourced or even when public-sector bodies merge. What does it cover? TUPE – Origins How the Regulations Seek to Protect those in scope… How can it go wrong Can […]

An introduction to the Local Government Pension Scheme webinar

13 October 2020 3:00pm–4:30pm

Join us to find out: How is my pension calculated; What will be the effect of the £95,000 cap on severance payments; What is the McCloud judgement? Who does it cover and how might it affect the pension of those covered when they leave/retire? How might the LGPS change and what are the future threats? […]

Handling the Early Stages of Fitness to Practice Cases in Branches webinar

28 September 2020 3:00pm–4:15pm

UNISON provides representation and advice at all stages of the fitness to practice investigatory process including at interim, substantive and review hearings, so it’s important branches know what they are required to do at the very early stages of a member’s referral to a professional body. Our speakers will discuss what branches need to know […]

CANCELLED – Negotiating Reasonable Adjustments webinar

24 September 2020 3:00pm–4:30pm

This is an interactive session which will explain everything you need to know about reasonable adjustments for disabled workers, ways of negotiating with management and how a disability passport could work for your members. We’ll also look at UNISON’s recent report on disabled members who have worked form home during Covid-19 and what their needs […]

NHS Pension Scheme webinar

16 September 2020 3:00pm–4:30pm

Tune in for an update on the NHS Pensions Scheme after the McCloud and Flowers decisions. When the 2015 NHS Pension Scheme was introduced everyone moved into the new scheme except for people who were closer to retirement and had “transitional protections.” Subsequent court rulings have found that these protections have been deemed discriminatory against […]

TUC Congress 2020

The annual workers’ parliament can’t go ahead as normal this year, but luckily that means even more people can get involved. Jobs, security, dignity Join trade unionists from across the UK on Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 September, to demand jobs, security and dignity for all working people. Frontline workers will lead morning debates, with speakers […]

The Big Workplace Meeting

9 February 2017 12:30pm–1:00pm

Cambs & Peterborough Branches Forum

10 November 2016 10:30am–1:30pm

Ely Library. 6 The Cloisters CB7 4ZH

Opposing race hatred, scapegoating, racism and fascism, where you live or work

23 January 2016 11:00am–3:30pm

Unison, 70 Duke Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1NH