St Albans City and District Council is celebrating Black History Month by signing a charter aimed at combatting racism in the public sector, the council and UNISON announce today.
UNISON’s Anti-Racism Charter commits the organisation and its leaders to a range of pledges designed to prevent racial bias.
It includes championing a racially diverse workforce, having a clear programme of anti-racist initiatives and providing equality training for all staff.
The charter builds on the work the council is already undertaking as part of its equality and diversity strategy.
St Albans Council will also be expected to report on their ethnicity pay gaps and monitor disciplinary and grievance processes to ensure outcomes are fair.
UNISON Eastern regional organiser Nalin Cooke said: “Making these commitments is a brilliant way for St Albans Council to mark Black History Month, clearly laying out plans to tackle all forms of discrimination for staff in the here and now.
“This won’t only improve the experiences of Black staff, but lead to fairer and better workplaces, helping improve the quality of services in St Albans.”
St Albans City and District Council chief executive Amanda Foley said: “I am proud to sign the charter on behalf of the council and all its staff.
“We have already made many of the pledges contained in the charter through our equality, diversity and inclusion strategy.
“We will continue to work with our councillors, staff, UNISON and the wider community to promote diversity and root out racism in all its forms.”