The regional pool is a source of additional income to assist branches or regional committees who need additional funding to deliver recruitment and organising activities or to support campaigns.
In the last 12 months regional pool money has been used by the East of England Ambulance branch to pay for the printing and distribution of monthly newsletters to every ambulance station in the region. UNISON Essex was awarded money to employ a fixed term organiser and Peterborough & Stamford Hospital branch used regional pool money to run a One Team campaign event.
The Black members SOG has received regional pool money to pay for recruitment stalls at high profile community events, and recruitment activities targeted at student nurses and student social workers are also funded by the regional pool.
“The regional pool is an important way for the region to support branches, committees and SOGs in undertaking campaigning, organising or recruitment activities that they would otherwise be unable to fund” said Mark Watson, regional treasurer. “I have always been clear that funds should be spent in support of activities that recruit new members and deliver campaigns on the issues that matter most to members.”
Applications for money from the regional pool are considered by the finance, development & organisation committee whose members include the regional convenor team and representatives from each of the service groups. For more information about how to apply please email