UNISON condemns decision to remove patient transport contract from NHS ambulance trust and give it to a private company

26 October 2017  UNISON has condemned the appointment a private company, E-ZEC Medical, to run NHS patient transport service in Suffolk, Great Yarmouth and Waveney. The decision comes just weeks after a private ambulance company (Private Ambulance Service Ltd) operating in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire went bust leaving patients stranded and staff unpaid. The decision to […]

Save our Southend libraries

UNISON members from the Southend branch spent last Thursday visiting their local libraries as part of the annual Save Our Local Services campaign. This year’s SOS challenged the government’s library cuts and defended our precious library services and library workers.             The campaign highlighted how important  libraries and library workers […]

Tell your MP – Keep Norfolk PCSOs

If you live in Norfolk you can write to your MP and tell them why it’s important that we keep our PCSOs. You can find out who your MP is on the WriteToThem website. It also lets you send your MP an email. If you prefer to write a letter it should be sent to: […]

Scrapping police community support officers is short-sighted, says UNISON general secretary

Friday 20 October 2017   UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis has today (Friday) written to the Home Secretary Amber Rudd, urging her to intervene to stop the scrapping of police community support officers in Norfolk. In the letter he said: “This is an extremely short-sighted move by the Norfolk constabulary. “Police community support officers play […]

Axing Norfolk’s PCSOs will make the county a less safe place, says UNISON

Thursday 19 October 2017 Proposals to axe all Norfolk’s police community support officers (PCSOs) and close police stations open to the public would leave the county’s residents at increased risk of becoming the victims of crime, warns UNISON today (Thursday). UNISON – the union that represents PCSOs across Norfolk – says the plans would also […]

UNISON calls for an enquiry into the failure of patient transport services in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire

6 October 2017 UNISON has written to MPs in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire urging them to call on the government to hold an enquiry into the failures of patient transport services in the two counties. The recent collapse of Private Ambulance Service Ltd is the second time in seven months that private sector companies have failed […]

Private Ambulance Service goes into administration

We will be contacting all our affected members on Monday 2 October.  If you have any concerns please call our regional office on 01245 608942 ——————————————————————- For immediate release: 29 September 2017 18.00 One of the largest providers of private ambulance services in the Eastern region went into administration today. Private Ambulance Service Ltd, who […]

Norfolk and Norwich win prestigious partnership working award

The Norfolk and Norwich health branch along with the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust were awarded the Social Partnership Forum (SPF) Award at the annual Health People Management Association (HPMA) Excellence Awards ceremony held in London in June. The SPF partnership award was given in recognition of the trust’s A new attendance policy: a […]

Let your MP know you need a pay rise

  Since the election on June 8th the debate over ending austerity has been raging stronger than ever. It’s now important that everyone in our movement keeps the pressure on the government. The end to the pay cap needs to be the first stage in austerity’s downfall. Public sector workers like ambulance drivers, nurses and […]

UNISON’s tribunal fee verdict is a victory for everyone in work

UNISON Eastern Region Press Release  26 July 2017 – for immediate use UNISON’s tribunal fee verdict is a victory for everyone in work UNISON has won a landmark court victory today (Wednesday) against the government, which means that employment tribunal fees will now be scrapped. The Supreme Court – the UK’s highest court – has […]

Councillors accused of “hypocrisy” over increase to allowances

Councillors at Cambridgeshire County Council and East Cambridgeshire District Council have been accused of hypocrisy after awarding themselves an inflation busting pay rise. UNISON regional secretary, Chris Jenkinson, condemned the 25% uplift agreed by councillors last week, saying “Town hall staff will simply not understand it when they hear government ministers calling for wage restraint while […]

Message from the regional secretary Chris Jenkinson

I was recently appointed as regional secretary for UNISON Eastern following the retirement of my predecessor Glyn Hawker. Glyn did a great job in her time as regional secretary and she’s handed over a region in great shape. I look forward to working alongside branches and activists, helping to organise and support our members in […]

Regional convenor Becky Tye’s conference report

First of all, on behalf of the lay membership in the region I’d like to welcome our new regional secretary, Chris Jenkinson. Chris was appointed to the role following the retirement in May of Glyn Hawker. I know we all look forward to working with Chris and send our very best wishes to Glyn for […]

UNISON’s sustainability and transformation plan training starts first the eastern region

UNISON activists from health, local government and university branches in Norfolk and Waveney joined UNISON staff and some brave employer representatives on 5 July for the first UNISON STP (Sustainability and Transformation Plans) training day in the UK.   STP’s are being made in 44 footprints across the country, aimed at joining up health and […]

Back to school for union organisers     

More than 100,000 non-teaching staff work in schools across the region. That’s a massive number and while many are already in membership many more are yet to join. With support from the national fighting fund and contributions from branches a new team of UNISON organisers will be employed to help deliver our recruitment campaign in […]