Refuse workers urge Breckland and North Norfolk councils to help prevent strikes

Serco Norfolk refuse and cleansing workers are urging council leaders to intervene to stop next week’s strikes, UNISON says today. The union says 100 refuse, grounds maintenance, street cleaning and cleansing workers in Breckland and North Norfolk are ready to walk out unless they get a better offer on pay. The workers voted 99% for […]

UNISON to suspend strike to enter NHS pay talks with government

The strike planned for next Wednesday involving thousands of East of England Ambulance Service staff and other NHS workers has been suspended to allow UNISON to enter pay talks with the government, the union said today. Following a meeting of its health committee this afternoon, UNISON announced it was suspending the action scheduled for 8 […]

Serco workers outside their depot

Breckland and North Norfolk refuse workers plan week-long walkout

A week of strikes will hit Breckland and North Norfolk bin collections and street cleaning unless workers get the pay they deserve, UNISON warns today. One hundred refuse, grounds maintenance, street cleaning and cleansing staff working for Serco across the two councils will down tools for a week from 13 March, says the union. Earlier […]

UNISON members stand around a brazier on the picket line

East of England ambulance workers announce first strike over pay

East of England ambulance staff will strike next month in their first day of action in the spiralling dispute over NHS pay, says UNISON Eastern today. The union says the strike on Wednesday 8 March is a serious escalation of the dispute and a direct result of the government’s failure to hold proper pay talks […]

Two ambulance workers hold signs urging people to vote in the reballot

East of England joins ambulance strikes

The growing NHS dispute over pay and staffing will now cover ambulance staff across the East of England England for the first time, says UNISON today. Announcing its re-ballot results of thousands more health workers, UNISON says staff at another four English ambulance services and five NHS organisations, including NHS Blood and Transplant, will now […]

Norfolk refuse workers vote to strike

Refuse and cleansing workers across Breckland and North Norfolk have overwhelmingly voted to strike over pay, UNISON reveals today. In an official ballot, 99% backed strikes on an 84% turnout. They also returned a 97% vote for action short of a strike on the Serco contract at the two councils. The ballot covered around 100 […]

Suffolk primary school plans to sack half its teaching assistants

Nearly half of teaching assistants at Pot Kiln Primary School in Suffolk face the sack, UNISON reveals today. The Sudbury school plans to lay off up to 15 of its 36 classroom assistants and midday supervisors, blaming an “unforeseen” budget shortfall of £75,000 and flagging student numbers. Pot Kiln claims it has more teaching assistants […]

Delegates to UNISON Higher Education conference hold placards reading 'No cuts at UEA'

UNISON Higher Education conference stands behind cuts-threatened UEA staff

Higher Education workers from across the UK showed solidarity with staff at Norwich’s University of East Anglia today. They took time out from UNISON’s Higher Education conference to send a clear message to UEA bosses to stop cuts which could lop up to 20% off budgets. The university has been scant on the details of […]

Staff demand answers over ‘shock’ University of East Anglia job cuts

University of East Anglia bosses face a grilling tomorrow after staff were warned they could face compulsory redundancies, says UNISON. The university told staff last week that it was “unlikely” to be able to deal with a £13.9 million financial shortfall “without compulsory redundancies.” University bosses have yet to lay out their cuts plan, but […]

Norfolk refuse workers open vote on strike action

Refuse and cleansing workers in North Norfolk and Breckland are voting on strikes over super-profitable contractor Serco’s refusal to pay staff more than ‘crumbs from its table,’ says UNISON today. During months of negotiations, Serco has refused to meaningfully shift from a pay offer worth just 4% to HGV drivers and around 7% for loaders. […]

UNISON members stand around a brazier on the picket line

Bosses are making a killing but the Tories are going after trade unions

Sunak’s plans to attack our fundamental rights while CEOs get a 37% pay rise show the Tories’ priorities, says Tim Roberts in his latest blog

Delegates to the 2022 young members' conference smile for the camera

Eastern young members make tackling sexual harassment a national priority

UNISON’s second-ever Young Members Conference was held last month in Bournemouth, with Eastern delegates once again playing a major part in making the gathering a success. Our regional motions, Affordable housing is a human right and Uncomfortable yet? Sexual harassment is never OK, were both adopted by conference. The latter was even selected by conference […]

New reps sit round a table and discuss their training course

Meet the people that make UNISON what it is

Without UNISON reps, there wouldn’t be a UNISON. Reps are the face of the union in the workplace and the first port of call when our members get in trouble. These volunteers make an immeasurable contribution to our union, often going far beyond the facility time available to make our public services better places to […]

Advice for UNISON members during NHS strikes

Unfortunately despite the massive strike votes at NHS trusts across the Eastern region, the most restrictive trade union legislation in Europe means UNISON members cannot currently take action. We wish to offer our solidarity with other union with a mandate for action, but members should be aware of some advice if there are strikes at […]

City College Norwich does ‘A Christmas Carol’ in reverse

City College Norwich doing A Christmas Carol in reverse by abandoning living wage, warns UNISON City College Norwich is doing a Christmas Carol in reverse, UNISON says today after bosses said they would abandon their commitment to the real living wage. As recently as September the college helped launch the Making Norwich A Living Wage […]