Tim Roberts marks Year of LGBT+ Workers in his latest blog
regional secretary’s blog

In a New Year message, regional secretary Tim Roberts says this year could be make or break for public service workers

Sunak’s plans to attack our fundamental rights while CEOs get a 37% pay rise show the Tories’ priorities, says Tim Roberts in his latest blog

Whatever Kwasi Kwarteng calls his economic plan, it’s an assault on all of us, says Tim Roberts in his latest blog

As we enter this year’s Heart Unions week, it’s worth paraphrasing Latin American revolutionary Che Guevara: let me say the true trade unionist is guided by great feelings of love. I’m not sure how much the more cynical of us would agree with Che, but the driving force behind so much we do is some […]

Health workers have been pushed to the limit by Omicron, but bosses’ solutions won’t work in the long term, warns Tim Roberts

It’s vital everyone plays in their part in the battle for a real pay rise for health workers, says Tim Roberts

They’re supposed to be enlightened institutions of learning, but too often workers and students in universities face racism, says Tim Roberts. Luckily, UNISON is helping to do something about it

Across the public sector, UNISON is fighting the unwelcome return of austerity, says Tim Roberts in his latest blog