A person holds trans and rainbow flags at a Pride march

Trans workers taking on prejudice with UNISON

Trans people still face a lot of discrimination in the workplace, says Tim Roberts in his latest blog. But with unions by their side, we can take on hate

People gather round a stall next to a bus supporting a pay rise for NHS staff

On the road for NHS pay

Regional secretary Tim Roberts reports back from UNISON Eastern pay battle bus in his latest blog

Two people put their heads through a UNISON LGBT+ frame

We don’t have to be out and about to express our Pride

Tim Roberts celebrates another lockdown Pride month

UNISON activists protest outside the Halls in Norwich

Join together, get active, win

Tim Roberts draws inspiration from our workers in Norwich and Bedfordshire in his blog this week

A socially distanced May Day won’t stop us working together for change

There’s a lot to keep us active during this second pandemic International Workers’ Day, says Tim Roberts

A fight for public services is a fight for the good of society

UNISON Eastern activists are setting up campaign forums across the region to drive change, reports Tim Roberts in his latest blog

Every trade unionist should oppose draconian new Police and Crime Bill

The Tories’ proposed new law is an assault on our basic democratic liberties, warns Tim Roberts in his latest blog

We’re not shutting up about pay

Tim Roberts explains why UNISON will keep talking about – and acting on – poor pay in our public services

Next week’s budget could be a turning point for our country

If Rishi Sunak puts workers first on Wednesday he could turn Britain’s fortunes around

This week trade unions are sharing the love

Tim Roberts celebrates ♥️Unions Week in his latest blog

Behind the grim death count are thousands more barely able to keep going

Tim Roberts considers the NHS staff left dealing with the fallout from 100,000 Covid deaths in his latest blog

Working mums aren’t getting the support they should be during lockdown

Tim Roberts looks at the shocking results of new TUC survey on the job retention scheme in his latest blog post

We’ll be glad to see the back of 2020, but we can’t take it easy in 2021

Public service workers have earned their applause this year, says Tim Roberts, but the fight for real recognition goes onc

Social care staff and service users deserve better than this mess

When Covid-19 struck we quickly turned our attention to the social care sector. It doesn’t take any great intellect or foresight to realise that when you’re faced with a virus that hits the elderly and vulnerable hardest, you need to do everything possible to make care homes and domiciliary care safe. Needless to say this […]

Thousands of public services workers have seen the (blue) light

Our ambulance branch proves that it’s still possible to grow in a pandemic, says regional secretary Tim Roberts