Suffolk Pride celebration and networking

27 June 2024 6:00pm–8:00pm

Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, IP1 2BX

Suffolk County Council and SNEE ICB’s Pride networks are joining together with UNISON for a Pride celebration and networking event. This celebration is open to everyone—whether you identify as a member of the LGBT+ community or as an ally and friend. The staff networks promise an evening filled with fun, camaraderie, and inspiring guest speakers. […]

One Weekend 2024

11 – 12 May 2024

Wyboston Lakes, Great North Road, Bedford, MK44 3AL

We’re heading back to the superlative surroundings of Wyboston Lakes in Bedfordshire for UNISON Eastern One Weekend 2024 on 11 and 12 May. There’ll be the usual mix of training for new branch officers and activist workshops, but this time ’round we’re also offering sessions for UNISON members who aren’t active in their branches yet […]

Members of the brigade visit a hospital where they hold a UNISON flag with a doctor

Cuba May Day Brigade

21 April – 3 May 2024


UNISON Eastern is sending two young members on the 2024 May Day Brigade to Cuba. This is a unique opportunity to experience the gains of the Cuban revolution first hand, meeting ordinary Cubans in their workplaces, communities and trade unions. The two Eastern young members will take part in the UNISON delegation, joining delegates from […]

International seminar 2023

10 November 2023 10:00am–12:00pm

Online via Teams

The ever-popular UNISON Eastern international seminar returns for 2023. Join us online to find out more about some of UNISON’s international campaigning and what’s going on around the world. Speakers Cuba Solidarity Campaign, Justice for Colombia, War on Want and Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Sign up! Please fill in the form below to receive the sign-up […]

Norfolk celebrates Year of Black Workers

28 October 2023 1:00pm–5:00pm

Norfolk County Social Club, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich NR1 2DH

UNISON invites you to a special Black History Month event celebrating the legacy of the Grunwick strike. Grunwick saw a largely female Black workforce stand up to racist bullying managers in west London, attracting solidarity from their white fellow workers across Britain. Guest speakers will cover Grunwick and other examples of diverse working class struggle. […]

The Anti-Racism Charter: Sharing best practice

14 August 2023 12:00pm–1:00pm

UNISON Eastern brings together Black trade unionists and local  employers for a lunchtime webinar on implementing the Anti-Racism Charter. Whether you’re a senior employer or a UNISON member, this is a great chance to see how the Anti-Racism Charter can make a difference in your workplace. Speakers Stephen Moir, CEO of Cambridgeshire County Council Nicole […]

One Weekend 2023

20 – 21 May 2023

The jewel in the crown of UNISON Eastern activist education returns for 2023. We’re returning to the picturesque and well-equipped Wyboston Lakes resort near Bedford for a weekend of officer training and education courses, plus our gala dinner and award ceremony. Courses start at 10am on Saturday and will be finished by 1pm on Sunday […]

One Team Day

9 November 2022

One Team Day is a chance to celebrate the work of NHS support staff, particularly those working in operational services. UNISON’s One Team campaign recognises the porters, cleaners, admin and clerical staff, catering staff and all support workers who work tirelessly in the NHS, often without the recognition they deserve. This year, One Team Day […]

Ipswich Demands Better

20 October 2022 7:00pm–9:00pm

Waterfront Building, University of Suffolk, IP4 1QJ

Don’t get angry – get organised. Join the Ipswich leg of the TUC’s Demand Better roadshow. What’s it all about? This meeting is organised by Ipswich and District trades council, supported by the TUC region that is responsible for the East of England. We will hear from very senior trade union speakers, including Paul Nowak, […]

Support an NHS pay rise

1 April 2022 9:30am–10:30am

Colchester Hospital, Turner Road, Colchester CO4 5JL

NHS staff should be getting their pay rise on 1 April. Instead, government delays mean the independent pay review board that makes recommendations on pay will not even report until May. Years of below-inflation increases have eroded the real value of pay. It took staff 111 days to get their 3% rise in 2021, by […]

REARRANGED DATE Preventing Sexual Harassment at Work – TUC Framework Briefing

28 March 2022 12:15pm–1:15pm

We are pleased to be joined by Nikki Pound, TUC Women’s Policy Officer, at this online briefing where she will take people through the elements of a new TUC resource toolkit around preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. Nikki is the TUC’s Women’s Policy Officer and has worked with the TUC for two and a […]

CANCELLED Tackling Bullying and Harassment at Work – virtual version

15 March 2022 8:30am–2:00pm

We are pleased to offer this online course for trained activist and representatives who would like to learn more about bullying and harassment in the workplace. What will the course help me to do? The aims of this course are to: Give participants an understanding of the issues of bullying and harassment at work. Encourage […]

International Seminar 2021

30 September 2021 9:30am–1:00pm

Our ever-popular International Seminar returns virtually for 2021. Now in its eighth year, there’ll be solidarity speakers from around the globe joining us. Tell me more We’ll be running two sessions over the day, the first will feature speakers from Cuba Solidarity Campaign, Justice for Colombia, Venezuela Solidarity Campaign, Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group and […]

NHS pay bus

7 – 22 July 2021

We’re hitting the road for an NHS pay rise! Join us and our NHS battle bus as travel to hospital sites across the Eastern region. Our timetable is below (apologies in advance for any delays!) so come and see us, grab some goodies and find out how you can get involved in winning a decent […]

An evening with Michael Rosen – value the NHS and its staff

26 May 2021 7:15pm–8:00pm

Poet and author Michael Rosen joins UNISON Eastern to discuss why NHS staff deserve a pay rise. Tell me more! Former children’s laureate Michael Rosen has written more than 100 books. He fell serious ill with Covid-19 during the first phase of the pandemic and was cared for in intensive care. He has paid tribute […]