Search tagged schools

Suffolk unions band together for school music

UNISON Suffolk County has helped launch the Music Matters Coalition today to campaign to make music a priority for children and young people. The six-union coalition is conducting a survey asking school staff, music educators, parents, carers, pupils and the wider Suffolk community about which aspects of music education are important to them, particularly in […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

School support staff warn ‘big bang’ return to school is a safety risk

Nearly three in four school support staff in the East of England have been anxious about the return to classrooms this week, with many fearing measures to keep them safe are inadequate, according to a survey published today by UNISON. The findings provide a snapshot of the concerns of staff as schools in England reopen […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

Schools should not open the floodgates to a new wave

Schools should avoid opening the floodgates to a new wave of Covid infections by staggering the full return to the classroom, UNISON says today. Schools across the east of England are due to fully reopen on Monday, with an enhanced testing regime and face coverings for secondary school pupils. But UNISON warns that this may […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

Coronavirus in schools – what can I do?

Schools staff have joined UNISON in record numbers in recent weeks, understanding the importance of coming together to make classrooms safe in these trying times. The resources on this page are intended to help you and your colleagues through any issues you have. UNISON’s latest advice on the constantly changing government advice can be found […]

Page on the UNISON Eastern site.

Working mums aren’t getting the support they should be during lockdown

Women are still responsible for the lion’s share of childcare responsibilities – whether it’s being at home during school […]

News, Regional Secretary’s Blog on the UNISON Eastern site.

Make schools safe!

UNISON is advising its members in primary schools, special schools, SEND and early years settings in England that it is unsafe to return to the workplace if it is fully open to all pupils. Please see the advice page on our national website for the latest information. Schools advice This includes a model letter to send […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

The classroom is quickly becoming the Covid-19 frontline

We all want to see our children back in the classroom, but government ministers can’t afford to keep overlooking all staff in their reopening plans. Support staff represent over half the […]

News, Regional Secretary’s Blog on the UNISON Eastern site.

We’re here to help you get back to school safely

We’re all glad to see pupils back in classrooms, but it’s important the return is safe for staff, pupils, parents and the wider community. We know that many school support staff have been worried about facing the new school term. The government produced guidance in July, but we don’t believe it goes far enough to keep […]

Page on the UNISON Eastern site.

More cleaners needed to make East of England’s schools safe for return of pupils and staff

Some cleaners in schools in eastern England are still having to work without protective kit and not given the ‘deep-clean’ training needed to keep people safe, says a survey published today by UNISON. The union is calling on the government to provide schools with money to hire extra cleaners. Figures released by UNISON show that more than a quarter (26%) of […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Lessons to be learned by government after limited schools’ reopening across East of England, says UNISON

Nearly half (49%) of all the respondents said that – after the first week of opening for reception, year one and year six pupils – they weren’t reassured by their experience of working […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

Back to school like never before

Even before this wider reopening, some schools weren’t maintaining the standards with just the few children […]

News, Regional Secretary’s Blog on the UNISON Eastern site.

UNISON Eastern welcomes firefighters’ support for education workers

UNISON Eastern has welcomed the Fire Brigades Union Eastern Region’s backing for education workers opposing the reopening of schools. Nine unions representing teachers, support staff and heads issued a joint statement this month urging the government not to push on with increasing pupil numbers until it is safe to do so. In a letter to local […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Staff at troubled Harlow academy commence vote on industrial action

Staff at scandal-struck Aspire Academy in Harlow are voting on industrial action over concerns for their health and safety, UNISON announces today. The school for students outside mainstream education, part of the TBAP multi-academy trust, was the subject of a BBC Panorama investigation in March after the head teacher blew the whistle on serious financial […]

Article on the UNISON Eastern site.

Teaching assistants subject to ‘truly shocking violence’ at Braintree special needs school

Freedom of information requests showed that in Essex’s 19 special needs schools, staff were assaulted by pupils […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

Cuts to school support staff could leave vulnerable children at risk, says UNISON Eastern

School support staff regularly go home worried about pupils’ welfare, safety and emotional state after discussing issues such as grooming, gangs, domestic violence, bullying, loneliness, and sexual abuse with them, according to a survey released by UNISON today. The research suggests that across the east of England more than a quarter (28%) of school support […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.