What is a union learning rep and why do we need more?

16 March 2023 1:30pm–3:30pm


Have you ever wondered what a union learning rep (ULR) does? Are you curious about how a learning rep could benefit your branch and your members? Join us for this webinar to explore the role of a union learning rep, the types of issues they deal with and practical tasks they are likely to undertake […]

Ipswich Demands Better

20 October 2022 7:00pm–9:00pm

Waterfront Building, University of Suffolk, IP4 1QJ

Don’t get angry – get organised. Join the Ipswich leg of the TUC’s Demand Better roadshow. What’s it all about? This meeting is organised by Ipswich and District trades council, supported by the TUC region that is responsible for the East of England. We will hear from very senior trade union speakers, including Paul Nowak, […]

Support an NHS pay rise

1 April 2022 9:30am–10:30am

Colchester Hospital, Turner Road, Colchester CO4 5JL

NHS staff should be getting their pay rise on 1 April. Instead, government delays mean the independent pay review board that makes recommendations on pay will not even report until May. Years of below-inflation increases have eroded the real value of pay. It took staff 111 days to get their 3% rise in 2021, by […]

REARRANGED DATE Preventing Sexual Harassment at Work – TUC Framework Briefing

28 March 2022 12:15pm–1:15pm

We are pleased to be joined by Nikki Pound, TUC Women’s Policy Officer, at this online briefing where she will take people through the elements of a new TUC resource toolkit around preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. Nikki is the TUC’s Women’s Policy Officer and has worked with the TUC for two and a […]

CANCELLED Tackling Bullying and Harassment at Work – virtual version

15 March 2022 8:30am–2:00pm

We are pleased to offer this online course for trained activist and representatives who would like to learn more about bullying and harassment in the workplace. What will the course help me to do? The aims of this course are to: Give participants an understanding of the issues of bullying and harassment at work. Encourage […]

NHS pay bus

7 – 22 July 2021

We’re hitting the road for an NHS pay rise! Join us and our NHS battle bus as travel to hospital sites across the Eastern region. Our timetable is below (apologies in advance for any delays!) so come and see us, grab some goodies and find out how you can get involved in winning a decent […]

An evening with Michael Rosen – value the NHS and its staff

26 May 2021 7:15pm–8:00pm

Poet and author Michael Rosen joins UNISON Eastern to discuss why NHS staff deserve a pay rise. Tell me more! Former children’s laureate Michael Rosen has written more than 100 books. He fell serious ill with Covid-19 during the first phase of the pandemic and was cared for in intensive care. He has paid tribute […]

TUC Congress 2020

The annual workers’ parliament can’t go ahead as normal this year, but luckily that means even more people can get involved. Jobs, security, dignity Join trade unionists from across the UK on Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 September, to demand jobs, security and dignity for all working people. Frontline workers will lead morning debates, with speakers […]

CANCELLED Stewards Recertification – 18, 19 September 2019 – Bury St Edmunds Address to TBC

18 – 19 September 2019

Bury St Edmunds UNISON Office - Full Address TBC

Application Form updated October 2018 (2) Outcome

Cut Crime Not PCSOs – day of action

2 December 2017 10:30am–1:00pm

Christ Church Centre, Magdalen Road, Norwich NR3 4LA

          Norfolk Constabulary is planning to axe all 150 police community support officers (PCSOs) in the county to save money. We are determinded to stop this short sighted move. There is a real danger that if we don’t stop this in Norfolk other police forces around the country will do the […]

Scrap The Pay Cap

18 November 2017 11:30am–1:00pm

Parker's Piece, Cambridge

Cambridge needs a pay rise March and rally Come and join fellow trades unionists from Cambridge calling on the government to end the pay cap and give public sector workers a decent pay rise. Called by Cambridge and District Trades Council Assemble at Parker’s Piece. The march will be followed by a rally starting at 12:30 […]

Pay Up Now rally Ipswich

28 September 2017 1:30pm–3:00pm

Main hospital entrance on Heath Road, Ipswich IP4 5PD

Cost of living up 22% Pay up 4.4% It’s no wonder why more and more NHS staff are struggling to make ends meet. No one should have to chose between putting food on the table or paying the bills. No one should have to take out payday loans to survive until the end of the […]

Heart unions week

8 – 14 February 2017

The Big Workplace Meeting

9 February 2017 12:30pm–1:00pm

BREXIT – what does it mean for Black and international workers?

9 November 2016 7:00pm–12:00am

King's Arms (back conservatory), 22 Hall Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 3HQ