This LGBT+ History Month is extra special as we’re also celebrating UNISON’s Year of LGBT+ Workers.
To mark the occasion we’re asking some of our LGBT+ activists to take the five-question challenge.
First up is NHS worker Alex Montgomery.
Who are you?
I’m Alex (he/him). I’m a queer, disabled transman from Eastern region. I’m also honoured to be one of your regional co-chairs.
Why is LGBT+ History Month important to you?
It reminds us of how far we’ve come and in the current political climate for transgender people, it tells us there’s hope.
We’ve won this battle before for LGB people and as long as we continue to work together and support each other, we’ll do it again. We’ve achieved so much historically, and we’ll achieve more.
What’s your proudest achievement in UNISON?
For me it’s the day-to-day steward work I do, supporting others in the workplace and hearing thank yous.
I’m proud that I’ve developed skills from LGBT+ community and conferences, such as motion writing and speeches. I’m very proud of UNISON’s LGBT+ self-organised group in general, we continue to push for more inclusion and support newcomers.
We’re not afraid to say what needs to be said, and we look after all our siblings.
Who’s your inspiration/role model?
Jennifer Black, Emma Procter, Bev Miller, Sarah Robertson, Philippa Scrafton, Watty Gaffney, and many other UNISON LGBT+ activists that continue to do so much for our community.
My personal role model would be my dad, who continues to encourage me to use my voice even if we don’t always agree on politics. He’s also the common sense who’ll tell me to take a step back if I’m pushing myself too much trying to help others.
Why did you get involved in UNISON?
I joined before I came out as trans in the workplace in case and the branch secretary invited me to LGBT+ conference. It was the first time I entered any activism space and I fell in love.
I made friends that first conference who I’m still in regular contact with. That conference definitely lit a fire that burns still — I truly believe by working together we can make a difference.