UNISON backs EU citizens’ right to stay

  Add your name to a letter supporting EU workers and fellow UNISON members The UNISON-supported HOPE not hate campaign is backing a call from the British Future think tank to Conservative Party leadership candidates asking them to make a clear commitment that EU migrants currently living in the UK are welcome to stay.         […]

Interested in promoting education? Get involved as a union learning rep

Union learning reps (ULRs) are enthusiasts and advocates for learning and have an important role to play in finding out what learning opportunities are available in the workplace, and help members develop new skills.  The role varies according to individual circumstances but ULRs are involved in a range of activities promoting learning. Initial training is available […]

Why UNISON supports a vote to remain in the EU

On 23 June we will take part in a referendum that will determine whether or not the UK remains in or leaves the European Union. UNISON has held a branch consultation and concluded that to leave would put our employment rights, public services and the economy at significant risk. This is not to suggest that UNISON is an uncritical supporter […]

Will you be able to vote in the EU referendum?

The referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union takes place on 23 June. It is probably one of the most important decisions that we will make as a country for many years to come. The outcome of the vote will affect not just us but our children too. But will YOU be able to […]

Ambulance branch in talks to avert ballot on industrial action

Representatives from the ambulance branch have been in negotiations with mangers from the ambulance trust in a bid to resolve the problem of frontline staff having to work excessive hours. After what branch secreatry Fraer Stevenson described as “a year of broken promises” the branch members agreed to be balloted on industrial action if the matter […]

Save the NHS bursary

The government’s plans to scrap NHS bursaries will leave student nurses, midwives and allied health professionals with over £52,000 worth of debt. The fear of debt will discourage many people from becoming healthcare professionals, exacerbating the current recruitment crisis. This will have disastrous repercussions for patient safety. UNISON and the NUS have commissioned a report […]

UNISON releases film showing the stress on ambulance staff in advance of vote on strike action

The stress faced by frontline ambulance staff in the East of England Ambulance Service is set out in a hard hitting film released by UNISON today (Monday). The six minute film is being released as staff are about to be balloted on industrial action over a lack of rest breaks and enforced overtime that can […]

UNISON Equality Survey 2016

Are we making progress on equality in your workplace? Help us find out by completing the 2016 UNISON equality survey Our survey asks about your own experience of equality and discrimination where you work, and your answers will help us identify where things are going well, and where we can do better. The survey is […]

UNISON to ballot members at East of England Ambulance Trust over industrial action

UNISON has today (Monday) informed the East of England Ambulance Service that it is to ballot frontline ambulance staff over possible strike action concerning managers’ failure to tackle the problem of excessive working hours and lack of sufficient breaks.   In December 2015, 2,995 shifts finished over an hour later than planned, and in January 2016 this […]

Trade Union Act becomes law

And it looks nothing like the government’s original bill The Trade Union Act received Royal assent on 4 May but a whole raft of measures the government wanted to bring in that would have had the potential to weaken trade union organising are not in the Act. Gone are the abolition of DOCAS in the public […]

“What about the workers?” says Suffolk County branch

An 8% increase for the chief executive but nothing for everyone else Suffolk County Council has awarded its chief executive a salary increase of £13,450, taking her salary to £170,000 a year. The decision was made to reflect her “hard work in serving the residents of Suffolk” according to a spokeperson quoted in the East Anglian Daily […]

UNISON comment on public sector pay

UNISON regional secretary Glyn Hawker said: “Low-paid nurses and teaching assistants are again looking at 1% pay rises that are tiny compared to headline-grabbing increases for senior staff in both the public and private sectors. The culture of rewarding those at the top while the wages of other staff are allowed to stagnate is unfair […]

UNISON comment on proposed 8% payrise for Suffolk County Council chief executive

UNISON regional secretary Glyn Hawker said: “Low-paid public sector workers are again looking at 1% pay rises that are tiny compared to headline-grabbing increases for senior staff in both the public and private sectors. The culture of rewarding those at the top while the wages of other staff are allowed to stagnate is unfair and […]

Government backs down over check-off ban

The government has announced that it will not continue with its plans to ban union members in the public sector from paying their subs by deductions from their wages. Instead check-off (also known as DOCAS) can continue where unions pay the costs incurred by employers. This follows the three defeats over the bill the government suffered in the […]

Pay, politics and Pompey at healthcare policy weekend

Last weekend branch representatives from across the region came together to hold their annual healthcare policy weekend in Brentwood. As has become all too frequent the backdrop to the event was the government’s continuing underfunding and undermining of the NHS. Topics discussed included pay, the introduction of seven day working and the government’s intention to do […]