“What about the workers?” says Suffolk County branch

An 8% increase for the chief executive but nothing for everyone else Suffolk County Council has awarded its chief executive a salary increase of £13,450, taking her salary to £170,000 a year. The decision was made to reflect her “hard work in serving the residents of Suffolk” according to a spokeperson quoted in the East Anglian Daily […]

UNISON comment on public sector pay

UNISON regional secretary Glyn Hawker said: “Low-paid nurses and teaching assistants are again looking at 1% pay rises that are tiny compared to headline-grabbing increases for senior staff in both the public and private sectors. The culture of rewarding those at the top while the wages of other staff are allowed to stagnate is unfair […]

UNISON comment on proposed 8% payrise for Suffolk County Council chief executive

UNISON regional secretary Glyn Hawker said: “Low-paid public sector workers are again looking at 1% pay rises that are tiny compared to headline-grabbing increases for senior staff in both the public and private sectors. The culture of rewarding those at the top while the wages of other staff are allowed to stagnate is unfair and […]

Government backs down over check-off ban

The government has announced that it will not continue with its plans to ban union members in the public sector from paying their subs by deductions from their wages. Instead check-off (also known as DOCAS) can continue where unions pay the costs incurred by employers. This follows the three defeats over the bill the government suffered in the […]

Pay, politics and Pompey at healthcare policy weekend

Last weekend branch representatives from across the region came together to hold their annual healthcare policy weekend in Brentwood. As has become all too frequent the backdrop to the event was the government’s continuing underfunding and undermining of the NHS. Topics discussed included pay, the introduction of seven day working and the government’s intention to do […]

Recognition won by Norfolk and Suffolk County branches for college members

Easton & Otley College sign new recognition agreement with UNISON Norfolk and Suffolk county branches have succesfully negotiated a recognition agreement with the newly formed Easton & Otley College. The negotiations were led by Norfolk county branch secretary Jonathan Dunning with support from local stewards Donna Paul (pictured far right)) and Josie Finch and Suffolk county branch secretary […]

Ambulance members condemn Trust’s lack of action over excessive working hours

  Members working for the East of England Ambulance Trust have reacted with fury after the chief executive set out changes to their working conditions that he described as  ‘controversial, unpalatable and even draconian.’ Branch secretary Fraer Stevenson said the Trust had spent 10 months promising to reduce enforced overtime for ambulance crews. “We have crews […]

Major setbacks for the government on the Trade Union Bill

The Trade Union Bill is now in its report stage in the Lords. We need to keep the pressure on before it returns to the Commons. UNISON members have made a huge difference already – speaking to employers, councillors, MPs, peers and government ministers to tell their stories, making compelling arguments and keeping up the […]

UNISON and Queen Elizabeth Hospital sign apprenticeship agreement

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital at King’s Lynn has signed a formal apprenticeship agreement with the local UNISON branch. The agreement is a declaration of intent between the Trust and trade unions to work together in partnership around apprentices. The agreement sets out the Employer’s processes around designing structured apprentice job roles, apprentice pay and conditions, […]

Trade Union Bill – where are we now?

The Trade Union Bill is now making its way through the House of Lords. As a result of the lobbying of peers a large number of amendments have been put forward for debate. As well as support from Labour peers a large number of Conservatives have also expressed their opposition to parts of the Bill, […]

Help us keep in touch with you – update your contact details

You know how to contact UNISON*, but do we know how to contact you? To make sure we have your up-to-date contact details or to check that the information we hold is correct and to be in with a chance to win £10,000 just click on this link below and enter our prize draw. ENTER THE PRIZE […]

UCU and UNISON back strike action by further education college staff

24 February 2016 Thousands of staff at further education colleges across the east of England are set to walk out today (Wednesday) causing major disruption to lessons. Lecturers, librarians, technicians, cleaners and caretakers who belong to UNISON and the University and College Union (UCU) are among those taking part in the one-day strike over pay. […]

Winter Fuel Payment and UNISON’s Winter Fuel Grant

You could get between £100 and £300 tax-free to help pay your heating bills if you were born on or before 5 January 1953. This is known as the ‘Winter Fuel Payment’ and is a statutory benefit. Most payments are made automatically between November and December. You should get your money by Christmas. You usually get […]

Trade Union Bill – Week of action

The government’s Trade Union Bill is now in the House of Lords and UNISON is fully backing the TUC-organised #heartunions week of action from 8 to 14 February 2016. The week will celebrate the great work done by union reps and members in workplaces and in society at large. We’re proud of our unions and […]

Louise Fountain tells us why she decided on an apprenticeship in the NHS

I started working at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in May 2015 and am due to finish in May 2016. I had been working in retail, but I was working unsocial hours and I really wanted to find an office job. I saw this position advertised on the NHS jobs page and thought it looked really […]