Search tagged schools

We’re here to help you get back to school safely

We know that many school support staff have been worried about facing the new school term. The government produced […]

Page on the UNISON Eastern site.

UNISON Eastern welcomes firefighters’ support for education workers

UNISON Eastern has welcomed the Fire Brigades Union Eastern Region’s backing for education workers opposing the reopening of schools. Nine unions representing teachers, support staff and heads issued a joint statement this month urging the government not to push on with increasing pupil numbers until it is safe to do so. In a letter to local […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Working mums aren’t getting the support they should be during lockdown

Tim Roberts looks at the shocking results of new TUC survey on the job retention scheme in his latest blog post

News, Regional Secretary’s Blog on the UNISON Eastern site.

The classroom is quickly becoming the Covid-19 frontline

Regional convenor Becky Tye takes over the blog this week to take encourage school support staff to stand up for safety

News, Regional Secretary’s Blog on the UNISON Eastern site.

Southend school staff fight off holiday pay cash grab

Southend school staff have fought off changes to holiday pay calculations that could have left them thousands of pounds a year worse off. Around 350 staff in community schools would have seen their pay drop by between £40 and £2,800 each year after Southend Council proposed changes to the formula for calculating holiday pay for […]

News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Sudbury school staff vote to strike against job losses

Redundancy-threatened Suffolk school staff have voted to strike to save their jobs, UNISON reveals today. The teaching assistants and midday supervisors at Pot Kiln Primary School in Sudbury voted 90% in favour of strikes. Pot Kiln wants to cut classroom assistant and midday supervisor numbers after running up a £75,000 deficit. School bosses say student […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

Lessons to be learned by government after limited schools’ reopening across East of England, says UNISON

Rushed government reopening plans have led to guidelines on ‘safe’ class sizes being ignored by some schools in the East of England, according to a survey published by UNISON today. Nearly a quarter (23%) of support staff say primary schools have operated class sizes bigger than the 15 pupils per group maximum recommended to maintain social distancing. The data was compiled from the responses of […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

Cuts to school support staff could leave vulnerable children at risk, says UNISON Eastern

School support staff regularly go home worried about pupils’ welfare, safety and emotional state after discussing issues such as grooming, gangs, domestic violence, bullying, loneliness, and sexual abuse with them, according to a survey released by UNISON today. The research suggests that across the east of England more than a quarter (28%) of school support […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

Regional Schools Committee

2 December 2016 11:00am–1:00pm
Regional Office, Church Lane House, Church Lane, Chelmsford CM1 1NH

Event on the UNISON Eastern site.

UNISON in schools – what we do and how to get involved

UNISON is the largest union for school support staff and local UNISON branches have been very busy this year, working hard to support members on a wide range of issues in the hundreds of schools, most of which are no longer local authority controlled.  UNISON has been supporting members involved in TUPE transfers, reorganisations as […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Regional schools forum

14 October 2022

The regional schools forum meets approximately three times a year for reps from schools from across the Eastern region to network, share good practice, discuss the latest school guidance and meet their branch school workers. There is often guest speakers who speak about issues affecting members working in schools. This is a really enjoyable meeting […]

Event on the UNISON Eastern site.

Become a pay champion in your council or school

Care workers, refuse collectors, social workers, teaching assistants, community workers, street cleaners and so many others go above and beyond every single day. Local government staff keep communities safe, clean and accessible, yet there is often little or no recognition for your hard work. With the cost-of-living skyrocketing to new highs every day, it’s time […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Most jobs saved at strike-hit Suffolk primary school

Support staff at a Sudbury primary school have called off further strikes after accepting a new deal saving most of their jobs, UNISON announces today. Two dozen classroom assistants and midday supervisors at Pot Kiln Primary took three days of strikes in April and May after the school announced plans to sack 15 staff to […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

Coronavirus in schools – what can I do?

Schools staff have joined UNISON in record numbers in recent weeks, understanding the importance of coming together to make classrooms safe in these trying times. The resources on this page are intended to help you and your colleagues through any issues you have. UNISON’s latest advice on the constantly changing government advice can be found […]

Page on the UNISON Eastern site.

Council and school pay – what’s happening?

29 April 2024 1:00pm–2:00pm

Local council and school staff provide essential public services but are struggling with the cost of living after years of sub-par pay rises. UNISON members are fighting for a pay rise that undoes years of austerity. Find out what’s happening at our webinar with UNISON Eastern regional organisers Winston and Shane. Come along and stand […]

Event on the UNISON Eastern site.