Norfolk County Council-owned care company trying to shortchange staff

A care company fully owned by Norfolk County Council wants to shortchange its staff by over £500, UNISON said today. Arm-length firm Independence Matters is refusing to pass on the full nationally agreed local government pay rise for the first time since it was set up in 2013, says the union. The company provides support […]

Norwich street cleaners and maintenance staff back council vote on insourcing

Outsourced Norwich council workers are urging councillors to back a vote tomorrow exploring whether or not to bring their services back in house, UNISON says today. Norwich City Council contracts out housing maintenance, street sweeping and council office cleaning services to Norwich City Services Limited (NCSL), which is wholly owned by the council. Staff have […]

Yoga teachers pose strike threat at Colchester Council, warns UNISON

Yoga, aerobics and Pilates instructors at Colchester City Council are voting on strike action after nearly a decade without a pay rise, says UNISON today. The Leisure World instructors are all directly employed by the council but their pay is determined differently to the scales used for other staff at the local authority. UNISON says […]

A large group of healthcare support staff in the Bedford Hospital canteen calling for fair banding

‘Ripped off’ Bedfordshire NHS staff vote on strike action

Healthcare support workers at Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust are voting on strike action after years of being “ripped off”, UNISON says today. Hundreds of healthcare assistants, maternity care workers, theatre support assistants and other clinical support workers are calling to be properly paid for their work. The staff are currently paid at band 2, but […]

Last year’s branch of the year receive their gong

Nominations open for One Weekend awards

UNISON Eastern’s One Weekend hosts our annual branch and activist award, a celebration of the fantastic work that goes on in the region. Of course anyone giving up their time and energy to make life better for their colleagues is an award-winner, but we like to pay a special tribute to the branches and activists […]

Job cuts at Essex councils spell disaster for local communities

Essex residents will be hit hard by plans to slash nearly 100 council jobs, UNISON warns today. Redundancy notices were served at Thurrock Council today, with 19 jobs slated to go in the first round of cuts, a week after Southend Council revealed plans to lose 80 jobs. Thurrock is looking to make £18 million […]

A UNISON band on the march

We’re in a fight for our future in 2024

In a New Year message, regional secretary Tim Roberts says this year could be make or break for public service workers

Suffolk County Council cuts ‘take services past breaking point’

Suffolk County Council has announced plans to make £65 million in spending cuts, including lopping £11m off the staffing budget, it revealed today. Responding to the news, UNISON Suffolk County branch secretary Neil Bland said: “Councils have spent the last decade slashing spending to the bone, cuts on this scale will take services in Suffolk past […]

Colchester bin strikes off after workers accept improved pay offer

Council workers in Colchester have accepted an improved pay deal and cancelled the threat of strikes by refuse collectors, UNISON says today. Staff at Colchester City Council and Colchester Borough Homes accepted a rise of £1,925 this week – almost double the council’s original offer. Workers overwhelmingly rejected the council’s initial £1,000 pay offer and […]

A graphic reading: Word for UNISON

Want to work for UNISON?

If you care about our public services and want to make sure the people that run them are treated fairly, then a job with UNISON could be for you. We’re on the lookout for two local organisers to join our fantastic Eastern region team. Adverts will be out shortly but in the meantime we’re running […]

Cambridgeshire care company crisis shows government must drop cruel migrant curbs and end exploitation in social care

The crisis at a Cambridgeshire care company shows why the government must drop plans to cap overseas care staff numbers and act to stop employers exploiting those already working in the UK, says UNISON today. The union says proposals reportedly being drawn up by immigration minister Robert Jenrick to curb migration would be disastrous for […]

Hertfordshire school support staff win back contractual sick pay

Teaching assistants, caretakers, cleaners and other school support staff in Hertfordshire will no longer have their wages stopped when they go off sick, UNISON announces today. Staff in schools run by Hertfordshire County Council were having their pay stopped for two days when they were too ill to work after the council changed its contractual […]

The Norfolk African choir performs

Norfolk celebrates Year of Black Workers

UNISON members from across Norfolk flocked to the County Hall Social Club at the end of October to celebrate Year of Black Workers. There were a range of speakers from Norfolk branches of UNISON and the regional Black members’ group, with special guest Ruth Pearson speaking about the Grunwick and Gate Gourmet disputes, two battles […]

Five questions for Black History Month: Sophilia Matengenzara

Rounding off this year’s Black History Month 5 Questions challenge is Sophilia from University of Hertfordshire UNISON. Here’s what she has to say. Who are you? Sophilia Matengenzara, Black members officer and rep, University of Hertfordshire branch. Why is Black History Month important to you? It is important because it provides me with an opportunity […]

Brian Pereira

Five questions for Black History Month: Brian Pereira

Brian Periera is one of our regional Black members group co-chairs. He’s the next Black activist to take part in our 5 Questions series this Black History Month. Who are you? I’m Brian Pereira. I’m communications officer, chair, Black members officer and Labour Link officer for UNISON Essex Police branch. Why is Black History Month […]