Extra money for organising and campaigning work

The regional pool is a source of additional income to assist branches or regional committees who need additional funding to deliver recruitment and organising activities or to support campaigns. In the last 12 months regional pool money has been used by the East of England Ambulance branch to pay for the printing and distribution of […]

Migrant workers are getting organised

Our public services would collapse if it were not for the fantastic contribution made by thousands of migrant workers who day in and day out support our communities. But following the decision to leave the EU their future looks anything but certain. The government has been caught out playing fast and loose with their futures, […]

Stop the NHS Professionals sell off

UPDATE: Government drops plans to sell off NHS Professionals   Due to the high costs of using private staffing agencies the NHS set up its own agency to supply hospitals with agency doctors, nurses and other health profesionals. NHS Professionals saves hospitals over £70m every year in fees compared to using private agencies. All profits […]

“It’s time to remove the pay cap”, regional secretary tells local MP’s

New regional secreatry Chris Jenkinson has wasted no time in calling on MP’s to support UNISON’s demand for an end to the public sector pay cap. In a letter from Chris and regional convenor Becky Tye they called on MP’s in the region to support lifting the public sector pay cap and to give public sector […]

UNISON warns public sector pay cap must end

5 July 2017 For immediate use UNISON, the public services union, today stepped up their fight for fair pay and an end to the public sector pay gap. In a joint letter to all MPs representing constituencies in the east of England UNISON regional secretary Chris Jenkinson and regional convenor Becky Tye warned of growing […]

Are you struggling to make ends meet?

BBC2 has commissioned a documentary on the impact of austerity on ‘just about managing’ households. They want to interview people currently working (or who were until recently) and have been hit hard by pay freezes/caps. The programme is being made by Keo Films. It’s a major project filmed sympathetically from the viewpoint of the individuals/families […]

UNISON equality survey 2017

Making workplaces fairer and more equal for our members is a central part of the work that UNISON does. To find out how well we are succeeding and where we might need to consider making changes to our priorities we are asking members to complete our 2017 equalities survey. We are also keen to hear about whether […]

How have years of pay restraint affected you and your family?

UNISON wants to find out how years of pay restraint have affected you and your family. What has been the impact on your day-to-day life and would your finances cope in an emergency? We have compiled a short survey – which should only take about five minutes – to better understand how you are managing financially. Your experiences will feed into our campaigning […]

Britain’s rubbish pay rises: What will YOU be earning in five years?

British workers are stuck in the longest pay squeeze since Victorian times. But with UK real wages failing to keep up with the cost of living, there’s a lot more pain on the horizon.To help you gaze into the future, we’ve built a nifty pay calculator. It will show you what might happen to your […]

It’s time to end the “absurdity” of 15 minute care visits

Former Brookside actress and 60 Minute Makeover presenter Claire Sweeney features in a satire – commissioned by UNISON – highlighting the indignity suffered by thousands of elderly people because of 15-minute care visits. The two-minute video has been made to show how cutbacks are leaving vulnerable and elderly people short-changed. Government cuts to social care budgets mean rushed appointments […]

Redundancies bombshell for Norfolk Children’s Services

Staff working for Norfolk County Council Children’s Services have been told that a budget cut of £4m could result in between 40 and 80 people being made redundant. Rumours about potential redundancies had been circulating for some time and senior steward Dave Lambert had tried to find out the truth. But despite a longstanding informal […]

Your union, your vote, your voice

Elections for the national executive council begin on 3 April It is time to choose who speaks for you. Elections are being held for all seats on UNISON’s national executive council, the governing body of the union. It is important that our NEC reflects the union’s membership and that you take your chance to have your […]

Young Black members confidence skills course

        UNISON is inviting expressions of interest from young Black members who want to become more active in the union to attend a training course to learn more about Black people’s contribution to trade unionism and to acquire some confidence skills. The course will be held at UNISON Centre in London on […]

Holocaust Memorial Day

Earlier today general secretary Dave Prentis attended a special event to mark Holocaust Memorial Day organised by Camden Council and hosted at the British Library. He shared a platform with Lord Alf Dubs and Rachel Century of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust to speak on the importance of the day, and to sign a joint statement […]

New resource centre for UNISON members opens in King’s Lynn

A new UNISON resource centre in the grounds of the Queen Elziabeth Hospital in  King’s Lynn was opened on Monday (12 December) by general secretary Dave Prentis. Known as the Inspire Centre, it is largely funded by local UNISON branches but is based in a hospital-owned building, reflecting the positive working relationship between the local health […]